Who are all the confirmed Star Wars Outlaws characters? The story takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, so expect cameos from Jabba the Hutt, Lando Calrissian, and even Han Solo frozen in carbonite.
There’s not long to go now until the Star Wars Outlaws release date, and we know plenty more about what to expect from Ubisoft’s venture in the Star Wars universe. We know about the mission types, when Star Wars Outlaws takes place, and what its open world looks like. We’ve also been scouring trailers for old and new characters that could appear in the space game and when we could be interacting with them throughout the story.

All the confirmed Star Wars Outlaws characters are:
- Kay Vess
- Nix
- ND-5
- Jaylen Vrax
- Sliro
- Vail
- Jabba
- Danka
- Quint
- Bram
- Lando Calrissian
- Han Solo (Carbonite)
Star Wars Outlaws characters
Kay Vess
Kay Vess is the main character and a new outlaw we’re introduced to in Star Wars Outlaws. She’s a scoundrel that zips from planet to planet in her ship, the Trailblazer, picking up jobs as a thief, trying to earn her way to freedom. In the Outlaws story, she’s given a once in a lifetime job that could finally give her the freedom she desperately seeks, but it’s not going to be easy.
Alongside Kay, is her trusty companion, Nix, who’s been with her from childhood. Nix is a rare Merqaal and is very loyal to Kay, helping her in combat and on quests. He’s small, mischievous, and oh so cute.
The droid that the internet has the hots for. ND-5 is another scoundrel, who dresses like a cowboy, complete with holster and trench coat – and we’re sure he’ll have some cool lines too – he’s teamed up with Kay to help her on the main death wish mission.
Jaylen Vrax
This shady character is the man who delivers the job to Kay. He’s first met with hostility as she points a gun in his face, but she’s willing to listen to him because, well, freedom. He approaches Kay with the chance to take on a dangerous heist that would hinder a common enemy, the Zerek Besh.
Sliro leads the Zerek Besh, and he’s even got his best baddy beard ready, so you don’t have to guess he’s evil (he is). He leads a huge crime syndicate that believes in the uprising of the underworld and is the main antagonist in the story.
Described as one of the best hunters in the Outer Rim, Vail is hired by Sliro to track down Kay Vess. In the trailers, she doesn’t seem that evil, so potentially, maybe, we could see a change in allegiance from her. But for now, she’s 100% taking out Kay.
Does Jabba need an explanation? He’s Jabba the Hutt, and he’s thriving right now, ruling over Tatooine, despite the emperor’s increased presence. From the trailer, it looks like Kay meets Jabba in his throne room with Bib Fortuna by his side and of course, Salacious B. Crumb.
Danka is a new Outlaws character, and it looks like she’ll set missions and quests for Kay from the safety of Jaunta’s Hope, a bar on Toshara. She’s seen in the trailer collecting a quest item from Kay that she successfully retrieved from the Pyke Syndicate.
Throughout Star Wars Outlaws, it looks like you can hone your skills by finding and interacting with experts. Sheriff Quint is a gunslinger, so by tracking experts down, Kay can learn new abilities.
Bram is another expert who can help with mechanics such as upgrades to the speeder, or lockpicking, and a powerful melee attack. He can also help teach Kay to delay enemy reactions and distract alerted enemies.
Lando Calrissian
Lando Calrissian? More like Cal-rizz-ian. The smoothest mover in the known galaxy was spotted playing Sabacc in the Ubisoft Forward game overview trailer, though it’s unclear just how much of an impact he’ll have on Outlaw’s narrative. Considering we’ll get to work for Jabba at some point, it’s not a reach to suggest Lando will have a job for us, too.
Han Solo
It’s not Star Wars without Han Solo, and everyone’s favorite lovable rogue was spotted in the fles- in the carbonite during the official story trailer. Considering he spent a whole year on ice, it’s unlikely we’ll get to see Han out and about. However, if the unthinkable happens and a DLC chapter introduces Luke and Leia, then there’s hope for him yet.
Now you’re caught up on the Star Wars Outlaws characters, here’s whether Star Wars Outlaws is coming to Game Pass, and the best upcoming games of 2024 and beyond.