The Genshin Impact 4.1 update is now here, and as with most recent version updates, this one brings a few unexpected quality-of-life changes. Version 4.1 has upgraded the interactive map on HoYoLAB, specifically to help treasure hunters and players who enjoy grabbing every single collectible on the map. There’s now a difficulty warning for each individual notable collectible to let you know how hard they’ll be to obtain.
This update comes at a perfect time, given the fact that Fontaine’s map has just been expanded, adding more collectibles to the Hydro nation’s northern borders. Genshin Impact 4.0 added the underground maps, and now, with the Genshin Impact 4.1 release date, difficulty warnings give treasure hunters more info on the anime game‘s map than ever before.
Anyone who takes on the enormous challenge of finding all the chests and collectibles usually has to keep HoYoLAB’s interactive map open while playing the game. It allows you to check off and track collectibles as you go, but there’s currently no way for you to sync that progress and track it in-game at the same time.
As it stands, the HoYoLAB interactive map just has far more features than the in-game map, but there’s always hope that, in time, the latter will adopt more of the features seen in the former.

Even if you don’t plan on finding every single new treasure chest and collectible in the new 4.1 map expansion, you should still consider finding a few of them to earn extra Primogems to spend on the new character banners.
Neuvillette and Hu Tao are currently available as the five-star offers, but you can check out our Genshin Impact tier list if you’re unsure of who to pull for. And remember to redeem any active Genshin Impact codes to give yourself a few more chances with those wishes.