Wondering how Star Wars Outlaws outfits work and how to get new gear? You’re able to change Kay Vess’s outfits to gain stat boosts and upgrades as well as change your appearance. Your pet, Nix, is also customizable, though these changes don’t add any benefits to Nix’s stats, you can still earn items, like ear wraps or sashes from missions.
Now the Star Wars Outlaws release date isn’t far off, we finally know more about Ubisoft’s latest open-world game, as we were lucky enough to get a lengthy hands-on preview. So, we know more about how Star Wars Outlaws speeder upgrades work and what you’ll be able to do on the Star Wars Outlaws trailblazer, including changing Kay Vess’s outfit.

How to change gear in Star Wars Outlaws
You can change your clothes including jacket, belt, pants, and shoes on the Trailblazer, Kay’s ship. There are also two charm slots that provide stat boosts, including a minor and major charm that do things like increase resistances to certain attacks.
Though you’ll start the game with basic gear, you can complete missions for different syndicates, or buy equipment from merchants, some of which provide different prices depending on your syndicate standing. You can also unlock special outfits by reaching the max reputation for each syndicate, which are said to include some of the best upgrades in the game.
You can mix and match gear, but you can also purchase gear sets, which provide large boosts to stats like cooldown reductions, increased attack damage, better stealth, and faster reload speeds. It has also been confirmed that transmog is coming to Star Wars Outlaws, so if you’re not into the appearance of a set, but love the stats, you’ll eventually be able to customize this fully.
Star Wars Outlaws outfits
While Outlaws has yet to be released, we’ve spent some time with the game for our recent Star Wars Outlaws preview. During this time, we got to dive into Kay’s wardrobe to see what sort of equipment we could deck her and Nix out in. Below you’ll find all of the outfits we’ve discovered not only in the preview build but also from existing footage to give you an idea of what you can expect in the full game. We’ve also listed any special effects they have.
- Agamar Gunslinger Shirt – Greatly increases adrenaline gain on hits with Kay’s blaster
- Kay’s Jacket
- Kay’s Vest
- Nar Shaddaa Thief Vest – Gain a large amount of Adrenaline when performing stealth takedowns
- Agamar Gunslinger Belt – Restore Health for each enemy defeated during Adrenaline Rush
- Begamor Ruffian Belt – Increases Grenade carrying capacity
- Kay’s Belt
- Nar Shaddaa Thief Belt – Stealth takedowns restore health
- Abelor Survivalist Pants – Greatly reduces damage taken from explosions when crouched, rolling, or sliding
- Agamar Gunslinger Pants – Increases accuracy when shooting from the hip or while on the run (Good Crimson Dawn reputation required)
- Kay’s Pants
Major Charms
- Kay’s Lucky Chip – Provides a comforting presence when held
Minor Charms
- Aurora Snowflake Pin – Chance to not consume Bacta Vials on use
- Frostfire Crystal Shard – Reduces damage taken from explosions
Blaster Coatings
- Corporate Coating
Nix Accessories
- Blue Feeler Wrappings
That’s all we know so far about Star Wars Outlaws gear and outfits, but we’ll be sure to update this guide with a list of all the gear sets and outfits and where you’ll find them. In the meantime, here are the best Star Wars games on PC and some of the best upcoming games of 2024.