Star Wars Outlaws is set to feature a wanted system that sounds a lot like something Rockstar would cook up for GTA and Red Dead Redemption, as Ubisoft shares even more about what could be one of the best Star Wars games ever. That said, only time will tell for Star Wars Outlaws, though.
“So this is the wanted system,” creative director Julian Gerighty says over developer-narrated footage. “It’s something that’s going to be ever-present within the game. If you are caught or challenge the Empire you’re going to start to get wanted, and if you continue, you persist, and you do even more actions that wanted level’s just going to go up.
“At the highest levels, the Empire will throw a huge amount of resistance and forces in your way. You’re best off trying to avoid it as much as possible,” Gerighty adds.

This sounds an awful lot like the wanted systems popularized by Rockstar in Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption (sorry, Scarface: The World is Yours) to me. I’m under the impression it’ll have the more long-standing impact of a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 over the quick one-and-done star system of GTA 5 – but that’s just a hunch going off the term “ever-present.”
Getting chased by the Empire’s goons before it ramps up to AT-STs, AT-ATs, and maybe even Star Destroyers (I’m dreaming I know) sounds like an absolute blast to be honest, and while the jury’s still out on Ubisoft’s open-world take on a galaxy far, far away, the initial gameplay did look quite promising.
You can also check out the 10 minutes of Star Wars Outlaws gameplay without developer commentary if you want, but even then all any of us can think about is the sexy droid – yes, I really did just type that.
While we all wait for the 2024 release of Star Wars Outlaws we’ve got a look at the best single-player games currently available on PC, alongside the best open-world games too.