In the wake of League of Legends patch 14.10, Riot has released a second micropatch that buffs Corki and Smolder, and nerfs Draven and Samira. Some players, however, have been hoping to see more buffs on the list, but former caster turned LoL game designer David ‘Phreak’ Turley has confirmed these aren’t in the works at the moment, and that weaker champions are doing badly because players are “building wrong.”
In his Thursday, May 16 post, Phreak lists Ezreal, Gangplank, Yasuo, and Yone as champions players claim are feeling a little weak at the moment. Yasuo and Yone both benefited from some changes in League of Legends patch 14.10 following the increased critical strike on some legendaries, while Ezreal and Gangplank stayed the same.
At the time of writing, notes that Yasuo’s winrate has increased considerably with the MOBA‘s new patch (48.41% up to 50.19%), and Yone’s has remained relatively similar to patch 14.09 (48.45% to 49.98%). Ezreal, however, has experienced a continued drop since 14.08 (48.84% down to 48.11%), as has Gangplank (49.46% down to 48.05%).

While this has prompted some players to ask for buffs, Phreak notes that the issue isn’t with the champions themselves – it’s the items that players are building. “Some champions who appear very weak (Ezreal, Yasuo, Yone, Gangplank) are mostly building wrong,” he writes.
This may come as a disappointment to some, but others have been quick to praise Riot for not “buffing champions because of deflated win rates.” “God is real they aren’t buffing champs because people didn’t figure out builds,” writes another.
Other changes in the 14.10 micropatch include buffs to Corki who, following his rework, has actually seen his win rate decline (there are a lot of changes to get used to, mind you), as well as some much-needed changes to the new Blackfire Torch and Fated Ashes, the latter of which has been causing havoc in the jungle. You can see the full list of changes in the image above.
If you haven’t tried out the new patch yet, check out our LoL tier list to see which champs you should be locking in next time you play. Or, alternatively, if you’re a cosmetic collector like me, we have a rundown of what’s currently on sale in the League of Legends Mythic shop.
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