Which maps are in MW3? Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Most of us remember the heyday of Call of Duty very fondly; arguing with a stranger in a lobby over an accidental team kill, offering out challenges of ‘1v1 me on Rust, knives only’ like they were candy. Good times. Better days, even. Probably. Anyway, those days are (maybe) back! Well, Rust is, at any rate.
The Modern Warfare 2 release date is finally upon us. We’ve been salivating over the list of maps we know will be included with the FPS game for weeks and, boy, are some of them stone-cold classics. Strap in, prepare your best MW3 loadouts, and prepare for the list all of the Modern Warfare 3 maps in the game.

All Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer maps
We know that the 16 launch maps include some classic maps returning for Modern Warfare 3, with more being resurrected during later seasons as confirmed in COD Next on October 5. Alongside the familiar maps are a handful of brand-new locations spanning the varied multiplayer modes.
Core 6v6 maps
Here is every multiplayer map in Modern Warfare 3:
- Afghan
- Derail
- Estate
- Favela
- Highrise
- Invasion
- Karachi
- Quarry
- Rundown
- Rust
- Scrapyard
- Skidrow
- Subbase
- Terminal
- Underpass
- Wasteland
The eagle-eyed among you may notice that the bulk of these maps are from the original Modern Warfare 2. We know that these older maps have all received huge overhauls in terms of fidelity, and have been expanded to take advantage of the greater range of movement available to players in MW3.
Ground War
Ground War, the massive 32 v 32 player battle returns in Modern Warfare 3 with three maps available at launch. The three day one Ground War maps in MW3 are:
- Leven Resort
- Orlov Military Base
- Popov Power Plant
There you have it, the list of Modern Warfare 3 maps you’ll be tearing up for the next 12 months. It’s undeniable that there are some classic Call of Duty locales in there, and we can’t wait. In the meantime, check out the Modern Warfare 3 cast list to see which of your favorites have returned, and the best multiplayer games if you want something to tide you over until release.