Monster Hunter taught me that I could mercilessly slay behemoth beasts and harvest their bodies for better armor without feeling even a drop of regret. Just kidding, I still feel horrible every time I take one of the monsters down in-game. Nonetheless, each of Capcom’s entries is downright addictive and it’s a series every gamer should indulge in at least once. If you haven’t yet done so or have an incomplete collection, now is the perfect time to do some Monster Hunter shopping as there is a massive Steam sale.
When it comes to RPG games, the Monster Hunter series breaks each of the genre’s boundaries. It’s about exploring, hunting, and most importantly, evolving. If you’re not familiar with any of the games, the basic premise of each one is that you tear through enormous creatures so as to collect the materials they drop for better armor and weapons. It’s a cycle that sucks you in almost immediately. Before you know it, you’ve lost hundreds of hours demolishing virtual beasts.
Monster Hunter World, arguably the series’ most populated and best-selling game, is currently half-price, coming in at just $14.99 / £12.49. If you’re looking for a more recent entry in Capcom’s iconic series to play, Monster Hunter Rise is also discounted by a whopping 60%, now costing just $15.99 / £13.19. Rise is the latest installment and is a great starter stepping stone into the series, in my opinion.

For those of you who feel a little bad each time you slay a giant monster in-game like I do, you may be interested in playing Monster Hunter Stories 2 instead. Unlike the primary line of games, this sequel has you befriend monsters, bond with them, and even ride atop them. Wings of Ruin is also half off right now, selling for just $19.99 / £16.49. It’s one of my favorite games personally and my go-to Monster Hunter.
If you want to have a closer look at Capcom’s sale, you can peruse through its deals directly on Steam. I’d also recommend checking out some of the Monster Hunter bundle deals since you can get DLC and even multiple games together for cheaper during the sale. For instance, you can grab Monster Hunter Rise, Stories, and World in a discounted franchise pack for 64% off at just $39.75 / £32.89.
Once you’ve exhausted your collection of Capcom’s beast-slaying experiences, you should browse through our round-up of other great games like Monster Hunter. Alternatively, check out some of these fun multiplayer games to enjoy with friends after tiring of embarking on hunts together.